News & Press
Leave a Lock...on Love Lock Bridge
colleen attara colleen attara studio My Journal
Sometimes, when someone asks me what I do for a living, I say I am an artist and that I teach people how to create spaces in art journals to hold pieces of themselves; pieces of their stories.
Oh course, like many artists, I do lots of things in my creative business, but helping people heal through art is a favorite of mine.
My hope (aim) is that maybe I help people navigate more ligh... Read more →
Staying 'curious' word for 2022
colleen attara colleen attara studio My Journal OLW. one little word word of the year Your word your word 2022
The word of the year journey feels more gentle than a yearly resolution.
For me, it is a whisper, a friend, a breeze, and always a gentle reminder of what I am walking towards.
Last year my word of the year was 'ask'...and it was a good one. There are years that my chosen word and my life path are so aligned. Ask was a good companion for 2021.
It prompted me to use my voice, ask for what I needed, and also to ask hard things of myself and others.
And in the asking and listening, it le... Read more →
simply allowing
art desk art journaling art workshops colleen attara colleen attara studio hands mixed media My Journal outdoor workshops process workshops
All of my best artwork comes when I turn off my thoughts and allow my heart and my hands to lead. It is almost as if my hands know what to do and what to write.
My job is often just to allow this process to unfold.
I love setting my desk up to return to; it feels almost like setting up a stage to dance upon. Below is how I left my art desk in the studio recently.
I thought about it when I was home. This "returning" to a space set up for me might be a big part of the magic.
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Celebrating and resetting
art journaling being present colleen attara colleen attara studio Himalayan Institute meditation My Journal reset self care solo travel
“i brought the home inside me here. I unpacked and stayed in the comfort of me”...

For Mother’s Day I spent three glorious nights at the Himilayan Institute in Honesdale, Pa.
It was the kindest, calmest, quietest gift that I will be unwrapping for a long time to come. layers
brain injury colleen attara colleen attara studio concussion covid layers My Journal waiting