News & Press
Celebrating and resetting
art journaling being present colleen attara colleen attara studio Himalayan Institute meditation My Journal reset self care solo travel
“i brought the home inside me here. I unpacked and stayed in the comfort of me”...

For Mother’s Day I spent three glorious nights at the Himilayan Institute in Honesdale, Pa.
It was the kindest, calmest, quietest gift that I will be unwrapping for a long time to come.
my backyard teachers
being present colleen attara colleen attara studio fern garden gardening green beans My Journal organic gardening
Green beans are one of my quietest teachers.
Pretty much every year for the past ten years, I have grown them. The simple act of picking them reminds me just because I cannot see them doesn’t mean they aren't there.
I can pick the green beans, leave with a handful, go back out in a few minutes, and find more.
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