sparkle and shine

My Journal

Yesterday, I received a card from a faraway friend.

Kelli Jean May-Krenz lives in Minnesota, and is an amazing graphic designer with her own studio, 730 Thursday, which is the exact time and day she met her soulmate five years ago.  She uses found objects in her design work.  And she simply shines everyday.

So brightly.

I sewed the envelope and her perfectly written "hello friend" into an altered book I am working on.

sparkle and shine

I then posted the above photo on my facebook page to tell Kelli how much I loved her card. She had written the sweetest words to me.

I have her card taped wide open on my studio wall so I can read it often.  Maybe daily.

Kelli responded to my facebook post and asked "Are you digging your sparkle?"

I felt fear.  Did something fall out of the envelope? Oh no.


Then today there was a beautiful box waiting for me from Kelli.  Almost too pretty to open.

sparkle and shine

Look inside with me.

sparkle and shine

Everything was wrapped in teal and gold paper and vintage clothing patterns.  To me that is gold and diamonds.  Pieces I can sew into the pages of altered books. Or collage into my art.

The little details were amazing. Look at this sweet girl all tucked in. Art for sure.

sparkle and shine

And below is the treasure underneath her blanket.  Yes...the sparkle.

It never fell out of my envelope.  It was making its' way to me.

It is beautiful.

sparkle and shine

The level of talent and thoughtfulness just took my breath away.

My daughter was as fascinated as me with this box of goodies.

"She is a friend of yours?"

"Oh yes.  I just love her."

"Where does she live?"

"Minnesota. Right now. But she will live in Florida soon.""

"Have you met her?"

"No.  I will someday though."

Still, I feel like I have met her.

She LOVES music and sewing on paper...just like me!  I know she is a girly girl from her core and adores vintage.  She drinks water filled with fresh fruit and her creativity and positivity are contagious.

And she clearly knows me.

Look at these sweet bits of paper.  They make me giddy.

sparkle and shine

And a bag filled with ribbons and vintage fabrics. Oh...I will play. For hours.

sparkle and shine

Can you see this sweet little clip in the shape of a dress? I adore it.

sparkle and shine

And this little porcelain dog beside some of the best candies I have ever eaten...

I shared a few. And ate the rest. All gone.

So good.

sparkle and shine

And my very favorite...all of Kelli's fabulous Pearl Button art tied with ribbons.

I swoon. So tactile. So joyful. So long time ago sweet mixed with creative genius.

sparkle and shine

I feel blessed.

Kelli...thank you.  How did you know this little box of goodness would be like water in the desert for me?

And you must offer this whole box of goodies on your new website. Just brilliant.

I am so very grateful to you.  For all your encouragement and kind words. Your attention to small details. Your crazy talent. And for your sparkle and shine.

I will play your kindness forward. I am so glad I met you here.

Isn't it amazing how connected we can feel with someone we have never met?


ps. As soon as Kelli's new website is up, I will post it here. xo


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