not staged but perfectly fine with me

My Journal

I remember paging through this Ikea design book in the store and coming to a certain page and thinking, "I am going to buy this book, but what I really want is to sit at that table".

It was a page where furniture was moved right in front of the surf, setting up a sort of home in front of the sea. I couldn't help but think that I want to do close enough to the ocean to where I can move my couch to sit in the sand and watch as the tide comes in. Or goes out.

I think it was this picture that got me.

not staged but perfectly fine with me

To buy this book.

not staged but perfectly fine with me

Well, I am not close enough to the ocean these days to watch the tide change on my couch.  But summer is unfolding in some other sweet ways and I wanted to share them. They are wonderful. And book worthy in their own way.

not staged but perfectly fine with me

Harvesting the last lettuce greens for the first course of a magical garden dinner party. And then picking fresh hydrangeas for the table.

not staged but perfectly fine with me

Putting my favorite wedges aside to golf in bare feet. I loved the grass under my toes. I did not miss golf shoes one bit.

not staged but perfectly fine with me

Finding a baby frog on the golf course...

not staged but perfectly fine with me

And my very first glimpse of the ocean this season, so amazing that no furniture was needed. I took this picture and I think it is perfect.

not staged but perfectly fine with me

So bring summer on. I am ready. For it all.  Couch or no couch.

I love those pictures in the Ikea book where everything is perfect.  I loved it enough to buy it.

But my life is messy. It is filled with paint splatters, found objects and materials with  sharp edges that need a little love.  And people that I love who love me back even when I have paint in my hair. And on my clothes. And on my hands.

My life is not staged perfectly and that is perfectly okay with me.

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