Artists of Yardley present annual juried show at Capital Health-Hopewell

Featured Press

Janet Purcell | The Times of Trenton

I chose Colleen Attara's "Enough" collage for third place, and that was because she carried through her original concept in the small piece.

A collaged paper bearing the words "Just knowing you are near is enough" is stitched to the surface of the work, along with trunks of trees that complete a wooded scene.

At the roots of a tree, Attara clipped and stitched a dictionary definition: "PEACE: Quiet. Tranquil." These images are sewn to a map showing minimally around the edges, and the threads that hold it all together are left to trail off the edges. Attara's ability to carry the work through from concept to completion was prizeworthy. Read the full article...

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