a major installation

My Journal

In about a month, I will be installing a 70-foot installation that is made of all acrylic business signs that have been taken down or replaced. I will be installing it (with help!) in a a new hospital filled with original art all from local artists in a 50-mile radius.

My design is a colorful urban city that becomes more rural as the youngest patients and their parents walk into the pediatric corridor. It has funky buildings, colorful row homes, trees, flowers, a bridge and a delightful little blue bird who can be found everywhere. This is the largest piece of art I have ever created and it has been a part of my life for two years. I swear it sleeps next to me in bed and I stir it into my coffee each morning.

Here is the model I presented to be considered for this wonderful space.

a major installation

This is just a section of the actual installation. I look at it constantly as I create to make sure each piece has the same feeling.

These are some of the actual pieces in my studio. The model is in the background, always in my line of vision as I create.

a major installation

You can see the building, the tree, some of the sun and clouds. I was surprised at how hard it can be to recreate your own work. Because I have had a year to complete this project, I have been able to redo and repaint a piece until I am delighted with it. Sometimes I get it just right the first time. Those are good days and I have lots of them.

Lin Swensson is the art consultant overseeing this amazing project. She is based in Tennessee and I think I have seen more of her in the past year than I have of my neighbors. Lin stops by my studio monthly to have a cup of coffee with me and see my progress.

I have learned so much in the past two years that I have been involved in this project. The first year, I was focused on presenting my ideas for a 90-foot entrance space that would engage, distract and delight children and their parents. Then came the actual designing and finally the legal aspects of signing a contract.

For the past year, I have been just creating it piece by piece in my studio. I gather, cut, sand, prime, paint, repaint, alter, take a break, paint some more, step back for an objective look and then start another piece. Less than five weeks to go.

Please come along with me for the final stage of my creation.

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