making an outdoor nest

My Journal

It is Earth Day and what does this green artist have to say for herself?

Simply this. For me,  I think all my days need to wind down here. Till at least October.  In this hammock loaded with pillows and blankets. Cozy and warm.

We all need a soft nest outside.  A place to shut our eyes and just do nothing in the fresh air.

making an outdoor nest

A cozy outdoor bed, next to the koi pond with the water trickling and flowers blooming. This is where my day wound down yesterday.

I napped here.  I also read a mindless book nestled next to my sweetie.

The day did not actually start out with as much promise. Me and my love had plans but it took us hours to get out the door. Me on the computer answering emails. Him on the computer paying bills.  Me cleaning under the bed.  Sweetie filing something.

When we finally got in the car, we were both angry at the other because it took so long to get unplug.

A bit of an exchange with a tone from each of us, and then we were treasure hunting at a flea market.  Holding hands.  Supporting the other.  Remembering that this is what it is all about.  Fresh air.  And love.  Lots and lots of love.  And flowers blooming everywhere.

We drove further into the sweet town of Lambertville, NJ, parked the car and ran three miles on the canal.  Talking.  Exchanging.  Breathing in the fresh air.  Looking at the rebirth all around us.  Taking in every bit of spring time.

making an outdoor nest

Being grateful.  Being outdoors.

We ate lunch at a little cafe after our run.  We were not as well dressed as those around us, but so happy to be outside and together.

So here is my Earth Day wisdom.

Plant pansies and get your hands dirty. Say positive affirmations as you put them in the soil. Fingers crossed both bloom.

making an outdoor nest

Look what is growing in the grass. Vinca is sprouting up and blooming everywhere at my studio. But you have to make the time to look down.

making an outdoor nest

And the view gets even better the closer I get to the ground.

making an outdoor nest

Be aware of the unfolding around you.  An angel told me last week to sit beside a the same plant outside daily as spring blooms around us. Sit with the same single intention and the same life force in the flower will grow inside me too.  Yes.  An angel told me that.

I am listening.

making an outdoor nest

Plant lettuce, spinach  and swiss chard in every color today.  No gloves.  Feel the earth in your hands. Like paint, dirt washes off.

making an outdoor nest

Frame nature.  You must have old frames lying around.  Frame an actual flower. Get creative. Put some old paint on the frame to add color. I had to get one reusing tip in, right?

making an outdoor nest

And lastly, make a bed outside.  A nest. In a hammock, on a blanket or in a tree house.  And unplug.  Just be.  Do nothing.

This is what I have been working on...getting better at doing nothing.

And it feels really good when I do "nothing" well.

ps. Are you going to make an outdoor bed? Build a nest and send me a picture to put here. colleen(at)coleenattara(dot)com. xo

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