a little magic when you least expect it

My Journal

I have been married to the most amazing man for almost 23-years.  I love him.  Really and truly love him.

But I do not like him during tax season.  Tax season is when the differences in our core personalities come out. It is when we are very likely to have an argument. He is organized. Really organized.  I am working on being organized.

I work on this everyday. And some days are better than others.

This year tax season was better for us as a couple because I was a little more organized. Just a little.

And because I was amused and happy while sitting in front of our accountant.  Our accountant Neil is also magician.  A real magician.

He is a wonderful accountant who happens to have a magic store right next to his office. Look. Honest.

Here he is  behind the counter.

a little magic

After our taxes are in order, Neil and I go into his magic store where I pick a card. The three of diamonds.  Shhh!  Don't tell.

a little magic

Then it goes back into the deck and Neil picks it back out again.

a little magic

I have no idea how he does it but I love it.  Not so much because I love magic (I do love magic though) but because Neil listens to that creative part of his personality that wants to do something else besides taxes.

He plays in a jazz quartet, writes a blog and has a magic store.

a little magic

He is an accountant but still follows that creative voice inside him.

I listen to that creative voice inside me everyday. That is what artists do. And sometimes that creative voice is loud and bossy. Sometimes it tells me too many things to do at once.

And sometimes I have to listen really closely because it is speaking to me in barely a whisper.

I love it when others listen to that voice too. And they are true to themselves and live authentically. Like Neil, our accountant.

And a real magician.

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