News & Press

Independence Day

My Journal

I think of my stepfather often, but today being the 4th of July, he is especially on my mind.

When I was five-years-old, my mother married a man with eight children (yes, eight) named Bruno Bacchetti. Bruno came to America as a young boy (I am thinking around 11 or 12) with his father from Bologna, Italy. He and his father worked, saved money and then his sister and mother joined them in America.

Indep... <a href=Read more →

not staged but perfectly fine with me

My Journal

I remember paging through this Ikea design book in the store and coming to a certain page and thinking, "I am going to buy this book, but what I really want is to sit at that table".

It was a page where furniture was moved right in front of the surf, setting up a sort of home in front of the sea. I couldn't help but think that I want to do close enough to the ocean to where I can move my couch to sit in the sand and watch as the tide comes in. Or goes out.

I think it was this picture that g... Read more →

writing signs in chalk

My Journal

A few weeks ago, I had my work in a wonderful outdoor show and it all came down around me. Literally crashing down.  A loud noise as metal, wood, salvaged plastic and glass and countless hours in my studio hit the cement.

Yes, I did have tent weights.  But my display was back weighted and I had these amazing curtains that acted as a sort of parachute when a strong wind came through. Note to self: air holes are good. If my artwork had been lighter, it may have taken flight.

It was interestin... Read more →

before I called myself an artist

My Journal

I was not always an artist.  12 years ago, I worked in network television as an account executive and sold local television airtime in Philadelphia for both ABC and Fox.

Then a pattern began to form after my son was born. I started trading money for time.

First, I left an amazing job at Channel 6, ABC to job share at FOX-TV.  This job share was an arranged marriage. Although, I had never met my job share partner, I had to agree to work with her based on someone else's recommendation (someone who I re... Read more →

making the road by walking

My Journal

"It will change your life."  Powerful words.

Especially if they come from Lin Swensson, a very talented art consultant in the health care industry and a fine artist and sculptor herself. And the person who hired me to do a large recycled installation in an amazing medical center.

She said this when I ask... Read more →